Sunday, July 16, 2006


I love my pool...

Have I expressed how much I love going to the pool each day?

It is great.

What is especially great

Besides the fact I don't have to pay for the water
and I don't have to clean it or maintain it

is that I am the only person


at the pool
each and every day.

Now, others do go to the pool,

I have seen them there,

late in the afternoon,

after the shade has come

but me

I go to get some sun

and enjoy the water

it is part of my therapy

therapy? yes, me taking care of me


after several days at the pool alone

not but one dinner with RJ in over a week

and seeing very little of the muse after our trip

I became a bit lonely and decided I would like some company

One day, RJ called to visit, and was coming over to hang out at the pool,

but he asked me, when he called,
what I was doing

UMMMM you don't want to know

I told him

I actually, as much as I don't want to admit it

was filling out an online dating profile. I was not/am not/will not join the service, but if someone writes to me and tells me how to get in touch with them,

well I might...

get in touch with them that is

anyway when RJ was here
and we were swimming
Last Sunday
I told him what I had been doing

then he mentions that he had heard
through some men's journal or email or something
that Craigslist has an online
classified ad section that is for singles meeting

hmmmm might have to check that out...

so I did
and I thought

hmmmm if I put an ad on here, with a picture
(before you go look, I have already removed it)

I wonder how many responses it will get in comparison to the online dating service profile

I wrote something simple

like professional single woman tired of sitting by the pool alone looking for gentleman for adventure

and posted a picture

I have had about 20 responses since Wednesday, I pulled the ad Sunday morning

I had planned on writing this post today, so I have been keeping track of the online dating service emails too, which wasn't difficult


but then, I come home from a very unexpectedly good dinner with a very funny man I met from Craigs list and there were two emails from the online dating

Of Course neither gave me an email address, and I am not joining

so Craigslist wins, hands down

now of the responses I received, 5 were just perverts, you can spot them a mile away

I have met three and all were nice guys

The first one I met was very interesting
as was the one I met today

but you know, I am still struggling with a "recovery" from the last one

so I am really just looking for friends and distractions

I haven't lied to any of them, told them all just looking for people to hang out with
after all
some of the best relationships start out as friendships...

but hey, if you are thinking about trying to meet people online,

be savvy, do you homework, weed out the bad risks
but do it without paying a monthly charge and choose craigslist

You never know...

I did ask for a picture since mine was posted,

I posted mine to weed out those who might not be interested after they saw my picture and saved myself some emails

and I asked them to be single and honest

Now we may not know if they are all honest, but if you say it,

well it is safer than letting them think you will converse with anyone

here are the stats

3 younger than me

3 live out of town and just want to have dinner when they are here for different reasons,... that's cool., one of them is a teacher also, so common ground

2 older, met them, make me laugh and we had fun... and they liked me, so that is good

1 is out of country on business but wants to meet when he gets back in August

2 lost interest when I didn't respond to their emails quickly enough

1 lives in Austin, I am not interested in those gas bills, so I might meet him, but doubt it will go anywhere

3 I am still conversing with and think I will probably meet them this week

all in all, I am thinking two will probably hang around, maybe three, and I will have some new friends to do things with and maybe, someday, something more

but then again, if they all fall to the wayside,

I had an adventure meeting new people

and after I laughed as much as I did today with Mr. HD (short for Harley Davidson)

well then it was worth it... it was good to laugh and have fun

I needed it.

Oh and the pool today,

man it was great, I even stayed longer than usual and I have the pink face to show it

and no,

no one else was there, but me, on a Sunday afternoon

think I will take the day off from the pool tomorrow

besides Mr. HD and I are having a taco at my favorite Mexican restaurant after my walk...

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