Sunday, July 09, 2006

By the Light of the Moon

I went to the animal fair

The birds and the beasts were there

The big baboon

By the light of the moon

Was combing his auburn hair

The monkey he got drunk

And sat on the elephant's trunk

The elephant sneezed

And fell to his knees

but what became of the monk?

the monk...

the monk...

Today was a very busy day

After a fitful night of less than no rest

I got up and got ready for church

I was able to wear a dress that I haven't been able to wear in over a year

and I wore my new shoes I bought for me,

not for work, or walking, or anything

but just for feel pretty

I have been wanting to go to church to hear some traditional hymns

I keep thinking that if I hear them, and sing them

I will get back in the mood to sing along to my music

Today was the perfect day to go,

We sang

Amazing Grace
Blessed Assurance
How Great Thou Art

oh and 3 others I knew fairly well, and I can't recall them right now

Then, I went to see the Muse, who is under the weather ever since our journey to the beach. She sent home food she and her s/o prepared last night and fresh tomatoes from a friend of a friend.

I rush home so that RJ can come over to swim,

his daughter was going to the movies right by my house, so the plan was that he would hang out with me at the pool til the movie was over.

Well, then I find out the movie starts after 4 pm...

ummm I heated up some food, watered plants, ate lunch and then went to the pool at 2.

RJ showed up at 4, with a great big bottle of Dasani for me... what a guy... and we played in the water for an hour or so. I even got out the fun noodle... so you know we were having a blast.

After a while he came in with me to look at some minor projects I need some help with and we chatted until he had to go get his daughter...

I ate dinner and went for my walk...

Now my walk is a 4 mile walk

Usually I go in the morning, but this morning I went to church.

So I leave my abode at 8:30 pm, and it is getting dusky out

The first half mile and last half mile of my walk is the same path through a residential area with some diverse housing.

I have found one of them, that is the epitome of my dream house, so now it is "Bennu's House" and I refer to it as such each day

* when I told RJ I had found my dream house, he surmised it was one of the fancy smancy houses close to my abode, and how offended was I? extremely... then when he saw it, he had to eat his words...

One half of my walk after that is made up of trees and a narrow curving street with huge houses on one side.

The other half is primarily a retail business district from another era.

Sometimes I go one way first and loop around and sometimes I go the other... you know... variety is the spice of life

anyway, tonight I chose the tree lined residential route first,

knowing it is a very dark stretch of road and the earlier I traverse it, the better

I was just coming out of the first half mile, crossing the rail road tracks

talking to someone out loud as if they can hear me transcendentally,

and I looked up,

I looked up and saw the moon,

It was full and bright

and to me was brimming over with hope and good wishes

a smile came to me

and then I thought of the last full moon I looked up to admire

I so wanted those good thoughts and hope that evening

but I could only be sad, I knew,

I knew it was a fleeting moment that would never return,

and now, just as I have freed myself

asking to be let go of something bigger than me,

I look up and see the same moon, just a few weeks later,

with such a joy and free heart,

Then as I walked the tree lined street,

the moon peeked through the trees

as if he were watching over me

making me feel safe

It was a magical mile for me,

A peace came over me,

I smiled and laughed and then I cried

with such relief...

and then, then I turned at the corner to loop around and head home,

I came out of the residential into the commercial retail

where all the shops were dark and the people gone

the street didn't have it's usual hustle and bustle to it

It seemed lonely

and it rubbed off on me

as I returned to the railroad tracks, I thought

how nice it was to see my usual walk with such a new perspective

and now I could do the same with my life

It is still my life,

but a new perspective would be a good way

to add a little spice.

I hope you were able to see the moon tonight, or while it was full.

It is amazing how a rock reflecting light can be such a mesmerizing and sought after item of millions of people over thousands of years.

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