Tuesday, May 09, 2006

New Day, New Blog

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

Funny, Each day seems to be a lifetime in itself.


Today I found out that my blogging about my loss of a great man in my life is causing problems for him and the woman who is ruling his life with a whip and chair.

Well, of course, not literally a whip and chair, but it might as well be.

Of course i don't want to inflict any more pain on him, he is going through enough as it is, but how can I not use my own outlet for my pain?

Of course, everyone is tired of hearing it too, and reading it... so here, here in my alter ego blog, I can write it...

My heart is breaking, everyone is in turmoil and over a simple 4 letter word....love.

It too will pass, but each time it seems to get harder and harder, and I become more cynical.

And you know, cynical is not even a word I use, hence when I first wrote it I spelled it sinical, the sinacle, then thought of the cyn i c a l...

Fuck, that is terrible, I don't want to be cynical.

I want to be happy, go lucky, glass is full, I am thrilled to be here and a great man will come along.... instead.

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