he called
he asked her to meet him
at the usual spot
She was so relieved
She didn't think he would
after the last big conversation
where she was concerned
about her health
and he thought her symptoms
more than just stress
although she knew better
She thought he was gunshy
and would not be back
or at all.
Perhaps the relationship
as she had dreaded
run it's course....
but then
here he was
on the phone
asking for her company
and she accepted
in absolute ecstasy
Their afternoons
are always great
and this one was no different
so she stepped out
on a limb
and said
"You know what
I want for Christmas?"
and he replied
with a bit of hesitation
in his voice
"what would that be?"
and she said
I would like you to come to see me
to stay the night
to cook a great meal
to eat together
perhaps a dance or two
and breakfast in the morning
and he was silent
and their afternoon passed
in a blur of laughter,
passion, and love
though they will never discuss it.
She knew she would not see him
the next weekend
he was attending a birthday party
for his granddaughter
in the far north.
Then the weekend
after the birthday party
she thought she might get
a Sunday afternooninvitation
and then the call came
only he asked
if he could spend
Friday night with her
in her abode
She was so happy
and stated an emphatic
Then he asked
if they could forego
the gift giving this
and she replied
Yes Sir, but
You are already giving me
the gift I asked for
and later she asked
but what if I already
have your gift?
so he gave in
for once
which is rare for him
and then he showed up
on time
with a smile on his face
They played,
They talked,
They cooked BLT's
(favorite staple)
and they showered
the evening was allshe wanted it to be
and more
except for the dancing
which he explained
the last two times he had danced
had been with her
and they were far and few between
so she gave into that one
and she was happy
when he left her the next morning
feeling like her Christmas
couldn't get any better
He called on Saturday
to see how she felt,
if her back hurt, or she was tired
He called on Monday
because he was sick
and wondered if she was
and then she found out
he had slept
in a cold cabin
on a cold night
on a hunting lease
and he was paying for it
with a cold
or the flu
but no
she wasn't sick
He called on Thursday
and said
he wasn't calling again
because he had called
the last three times
she laughed
and he asked about her
weekend plans
she said she had few plans
he asked if she would like
him to spend Sunday night with him
Christmas Eve Eve?
Hell Yeah she would
what happened that she got this
wonderful opportunity?
she didn't care
she took him up on it
He showed up later
he claimed never again
at least not after 8 pm
and she shushed him
she likes when they get to sleep
all night
or almost all night
so there will be no
claims of never again
she put her foot down
They went to breakfast
after a frothy shower
and he dropped her off
with a hug and kiss
and she knew
she knew
it was the best gift she had had
in her life
even if he
That Man
he is
a Very Good Man
who is treating her well....
and in about a month
she will have a birthday
and she can't wait
because that is when he usually comes to see her
and it will mark three years
with an amazing man
that treats her so well.
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