or at least how it works with me...
My cell phone has been acting weird
ever since I flew home last Monday
I plug the charger into it
and the little light doesn't come on
but I wake up in the morning
and it has some what of a charge
or two bars of power.
Anyway, last night it wasn't even
taking the charge
so of course 3 guys called to ask me out
so one of them was Mr. Duvall
asking if I was busy Sunday
and of course, I am not
One was The German
who I have gone out with once
a very nice man
who knows when to call
and how to be polite
and doesn't ask those BAD questions
I have blogged about previously
and the other was a blast from the past
who rides a BMW Motorcycle
and we had made tentative plans
for riding his cycle on Monday
and I thought I would take him
to the Big V with Amused Muse
Then Amused Muse called at Midnight
and asked about my evening
well honey, if you leave me alone much longer
I will have a full appointment book...lol
You know, my phone hasn't rung so many times
in one day
for a very long time,
so of course, when it is not working properly
these things will happen...
I am taking it in today
will probably have to have a new one
but hey, My weekend filled up in a hurry
and it is a good thing
because you know what they say
idle hands are the devils workshop
or something like that..
actually, I just still need some distractions
and some attention will be nice too
not to mention
the Attitude Adjustment...
The Fly
6 years ago
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